The LGBT Family Law Institute®, a joint venture of the LGBTQ+ Bar and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, allows experienced LGBTQ+ family law practitioners to share collective wisdom and to discuss cutting-edge legal strategies for representing members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Become a member of the LGBT Family Law Institute® today! Members of FLI must become members of the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association. After applying to become a LGBT Family Law Institute® member and a member of the LGBTQ+ Bar, you will be contacted for an interview before your membership is confirmed. Please contact Judi O’Kelley (Chief Program & Policy Officer, National LGBTQ+ Bar) and Ming Wong (Director of Community Justice and Access, National Center for Lesbian Rights) if you have any questions regarding the membership process.

The Family Law Institute® was founded in 2009 and meets every year at the LGBTQ+ Bar’s annual Lavender Law® Conference & Career Fair. In addition, all members are invited to an email listserv in which they can ask questions, give advice and simply communicate with fellow members. The LGBT Family Law Institute® gives participants an opportunity to network with lawyers from other states in order to build a cadre of family law practitioners throughout the country.
Note on community listserv: FLI members began using Google Groups for their internal communications in October 2020. If you are an FLI member and are not part of the Google Group listserv, please email programs@lgbtqbar.org for assistance.
Topics Covered Include:
Family creation
Assisted reproductive technology
Interstate and international parentage issues
Estate planning
Collaborative law
Transgender issues
Dissolution of relationships
Elder law
Domestic Violence
Family Law Institute® Governance:
National LGBTQ+ Bar Chair: Judi O’Kelley
National Center for Lesbian Rights Chair: Ming Wong
International Affiliate Liaison: William Singer
LGBT Family Law Institute Australia
LGBT Family Law Institute Central America
LGBT Family Law Institute Europe
The UK and Ireland LGBT+ Family Law Institute
To learn more about our International Committees, please visit our Directory.